Do you other fellow scripters know how I could give tools on a Brick Touch?

Hello! My name is RPerry435, this is my first ever forum post on the entire Dev Forum, me and my friend are making a game which is just a roleplaying game, and We’ve a security room, I’m looking for a script that gives the player a set of tools upon touch of a brick. Any help that other fellow Devforum Users can give me? Thanks!

Sincerely, RPerry435.

TL;DR : I’m looking for a script that won’t overload your backpack with a bunch of tools, but will still give you 1 set of tools chosen in a certain folder of the explorer.

I use a Click Detector and this script:

local tool = game.ServerStorage["Item"]
	local give = tool:Clone()
	give.Parent = player.Backpack

Just add multiple sets of this code inside the same script (or use multiple scripts) so multiple tools end up in the player’s inventory.

Hope this helps!

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Alright, let me replace my current scripts with the Vests and try that out, thank you for the quick response!

Didn’t work for me, might’ve been doing something wrong but I’ve no idea, Clickdetector first and then script?

You put them both in the model, separate from each other.


In the above is an example of how I place it.

Ooooh, I’ve to group them. My bad.

Thanks! Works, time to replace everything in my security room! Thanks for the help splotchhy.

Of course, glad I could assist you.