Do you think a younger audience would click on this advertisement?

I would like your opinion on this advertisement, please answer the following questions if you want, or answer in your own way.

  1. Do you think a younger audience would click on these types of ads?
  2. Do you think it might be too clickbaity?
  3. Do you think the advertisement could get a good CTR?

If you could give feedback/criticism for the advertisement, that would also be great. Please do not aim to be nice or anything, the point of this is to see what people think of this.

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its a bit clickbaity since it says “want to play the BEST soccer game on roblox?” but a younger audience would definitely click on it


From my experience, ads claiming to be the best, or the most fun, don’t tend to do well. This is the only thing I can suggest for your ad. The “Hey you! Want to play the best soccer game on roblox?!” part does seem a bit click-bait. However, maybe it is the best game. Who knows?

Good luck.

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You should make the ad show what the game is so people can actually see if they would be interested in the game or not.


Guess so, but my aim to catch the eye of the viewer so I think words like “best” would catch the eye of a viewer.
Also for your second reply, I show the skins which you can earn in the game, so I guess that’s a part of the game as well.
Thanks for the feedback, do you have any main criticisms for the advertisement or do you think anything should be changed up to make the ad better?

What I mean by “showing the game” is to show in-game screenshots.

Not just one thing that’s included in the game.

Like I mentioned before, I would exclude using superlative words, such as “the most” or “the best.” I disagree with what @foodislife345678 mentioned about excluding parts of the game. I think it is helpful, and (sometimes) essential, to preview a part of the game. This grabs a viewers attention. For example, plain text tends to be unattractive to a viewer. I would much rather click on an ad that shows a soccer player doing a rainbow over the keeper or something (just a random idea).

Summary: Include portions of the game within the ad itself. GFX goes a long way if done right. Click-baitesque text, claims, or images is something I strongly suggest against.

Keep it simple, stylish, and unique.

Good luck! :smile:

  • Galactiq
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What I was saying was to show more in-game screenshots, not take away them.

Because it doesn’t really help just to show the skins you can get.

Thanks for the advice! Means a lot.

Maybe a little too much text, but otherwise, I’d say it’s great for a younger audience!

Well, the best and only real way to see is to test it! Do a test advertisement for 200 robux or so.

Young audience or not, your advertisement should be easy to read and easy to understand. The text certainly fulfills the understanding aspect. I would change the color scheme for the second ad: it’s a bit difficult to read at first glance.