Do you think i really have the vehicle modeling skill rate my van!

rate my van i have worked hard on it maybe its bad but i will show it to you maybe you’ll like it maybe you’ll hate it
right side:

left side



Great, very nice ‘van’
You should make the wheels a different colour
You should put like a metal texture in the truck bed
You should also put texture on it

Also note: it’s a truck

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my english not good im learning it

and i just upgraded it by those tips u told me :slight_smile: thx bro

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Can I have the model please, I’m gonna script a car but the models are ugly :frowning:

i can make you a new one can you choose free or paid?

Free please XD i’m broke :frowning:


sure what do you need ? wdym 30char?

Unblur this one and you’ll see what it means:

That’s just a way to bypass since you need to write 30char minimum to post a reply.

aight so what vehicle do you need?

Just a regular car please lol.

alr brb i take a small bathroom break and i’ll get into it

what type of car? sedan,? coupe? hatchback??

I’m not sure tbh i’m not a car expert. Just like one that you’d see on a daily basis outside. That sorta car.

i’d see a mercedes benz


Yeah then go ahead you can make a mercedes benz.

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i will anchor the whole car you weld it alr?

here is the car u can add light thingies
car.rbxm (4.2 KB)



np bro hey btw do u script?