Do you think that this house is of good quality?

Hey, myself and my Development Team are working on a game right now and we made a house for a part of it, do you think it’s good?



I like it in my opinion, it’s it’s pretty well done. Keep up the good work. :grin:


Thank you so much man. We really appreciate the feedback.


Good Quality tends to be something that looks exquisite and unique, it usually tends to have quiet a bit of detail and to be very polished,

This build is lacking some of these parts, unique and detail, for the uniqueness I’d suggest you to work on the roof a lot more as it looks bland and doesn’t really catch the eye, it looks bland and maybe you could try working on the roof tiles for it

For the detail of the build, try putting more effort into your pavement as it’s just a part with 1 single material on it, and the door as the door doesn’t really look inviting, you should try using a different colour choice for the border and not have the border touch the bottom part as it more of looks like a vault then, other than all of that great job on your build and I hope you expand on it


In my opinion, it looks nice. It’s not bad. I can’t give feedback. Sorry.
Have a nice day.


Well that’s a lot and I do appreciate this. I’ll get on that so thank you.

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That depends on what your game is about and the setting of it, I think the house is of good quality, but quite simplistic, but if it fits the game I’ll try at least throwing items around it such as chairs, materials, roof textures or just simple designs.

The house lacks those overall details, since your going for that sort of neighborhood house look, try experimenting into adding house siding and a brick material on the chimney. Since this is related to a game make it to your best abilities, it doesn’t need to look very detailed just add little props, something you’ll see in real life around houses: perhaps choose a material for the roof add some material for the house foundation to give it a better appearance.

Otherwise, it’s a good start, if you feel like it needs to be improved and it doesn’t look good inside your game look up reference images to get general ideas to implement on your build.

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I feel like it could be better, Its pretty basic, but it would be good for learning the basics


if it’s really intended to be simple, then it honestly looks really nice! but if it’s really something that’s a lot more effort, i’d say just work it on a lot more, the roof is quite plain and the door seems quite plain aswell. i like how you added those shrubs or something for a bit of decoration, but i feel like there’s so much you could do more with, but in general, i feel like it’s just too plain if you’re looking for more efforted-feedback, but simple it’s really nice!


I like it, what game are you creating?


Not sure if the image is low-quality or it the door and window frames are really made from 4 or 5 separate parts on each side, if it’s the second option I would recommend making each side from one part.

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In my opinion, the build overall is good. It’s looks kinda simple. You can improve it by fixing the door since the outline is kinda too thicc. The grass around your is too “perfect” I suggest to make it unequal. For the pavement you could add an outline for it and some bushes at it’s side.

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It’s alright if you’re aiming for a low simulator type of build, you hit the shot, I suggest moreover shapes and sizes differential if you want to get cartoony!

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I personally think that it’s an amazing build. I’d like to recommend a few things that I would add to this build. Try adding more detail on to the build such roof tiles, more geometric bushes, layered door, window reflection, brick pattern and wall borders. Keep up the good work!

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