Docking Updates [Full Release]

When I undock the viewport and make it fullscreen, it looks like at least the right-hand side of the window is cut off:

This also appears the be the case for any floating studio window that’s made fullscreen.


Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately I don’t think that works out for me (toolbox expands to 1/3 of the screen size and covers the other panel already there and the material manager expands to half the screen from the bottom) since these windows both benefit from having a lot of space and being able to see the viewport at the same time. This update provides a lot of QoL so I’ll be using it and will probably just deal with toggling these tabs through their ribbon buttons despite how it may be cumbersome. It seems like others also want the collapsible tab feature here and I’d very much appreciate it being added.

On another note, I think this means I’m finally going to use the Object Browser which previously was exclusive with the viewport and script editor (which is the things I’d want to be referencing the object browser while working in…) which is very exciting!

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I’ve been using this for the past 3–5 days, and I wonder why it took you so long to make an announcement for it.

Anyways, finally, this issue has been fixed; there is no need to restart Roblox Studio anymore.

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Even though it took a while to come, thanks a lot of addressing these issues. As soon as I turned it on a plugin docking issue was immediately fixed. Before this beta update I was constantly getting view port docking issues and I truly hope that this update will put an end to that. One note though, can we expect saving our docking configurations for Local Server testing soon? I am fairly annoyed by that not being a thing and I was just wondering if maybe you had any plans for that?

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that’s right yes, but also locking the ability to undock too.
Will we still be able to resize windows with the new system?

You should be able to resize freely. If not, let us know!

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We do have ideas around having multiple, saved and switchable layouts. I assume you mean we save your layout while in Play Test separately from your “editing” layout?

Will this eventually fix the issue where any floating windows on different monitors either shift up and to the left or reset back to their default location?


It’s nice to see this is still an area of investment :slight_smile:

I would like to voice my support for collapsible tabs too. I use this all of the time, especially when I have resized the window to a small size so I can have other windows open next to it.

(I was actually the author of the original feature request asking for it, fun fact!)


My output window is in my other screen because I value my viewport size and every time I open studio the output window scooches offscreen

Fresh placement:

After reopening a place/studio:

After reopening a place/studio 5 times without adjusting the output window:

You can see how it keeps scooching offscreen, the only reason i’ve been able to cope with this issue is by using sizer which allows me to bring back the output window to where it should be before I begin working:


Yes, especially when you start up a Local Server where there are multiple window instances popping up for players. (Player1, Player2) They will usually open with all the plugin and studio panels which is very annoying. You can click them away but they will always return when you run a local server again. My question is if there any plans where we can save the layouts so not everything popups and loads anymore. Thanks for responding!

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When I try to dock the animation editor below the viewport, my Studio crashes.

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Even with this enabled one of the biggest annoyances with studio still isn’t fixed. When I start a local server, the local client windows will open with the same layout as the studio editor. I will close every widget open in the client window but when I stop testing and go back to test again, the layout is reset and I have to close every widget again on all the clients.

When I close the layout on a local server window, it should save the layout

Also hoping something like Blender’s layout presets will come with this soon


I can’t repro this. Is this happening consistently? If so, can you share/send logs?

We are thinking about how to allow the explicit saving and loading of layouts — which is what would be needed to achieve what you’re asking for. But first, we need to make sure we’re operating on a stable base, which is the primary goal of this Beta.


Great to see something’s being done to address the annoying studio windows! I have some concerns for this update:

  1. As others have addressed, the window collapsing behavior is missing. I use that feature a ton while building, because I make use of a multitude of plugins. I’d love to see it back eventually!

  2. Being able to undock the viewport is amazing. On my monitor, I can see what my game might look like on close to a full screen, without the clutter of studio windows, while being able to edit code and properties on my laptop screen. Unfortunately, there does seem to be an issue when moving the viewport to my laptop screen: it extends slightly to the right onto my monitor, and looks like this:

Monitor screen (positioned to the right, 1920x1080 resolution)

Laptop screen (positioned to the left, 1920x1080 resolution). Notice that the close button in the top right is cut off.

This is when the viewport window is in fullscreen. Resizing it to be smaller can fix the issue, but it makes the window hide behind my taskbar, which I don’t like:

All-in-all, I am liking the fact that my windows actually stay in the places I put them just yesterday!


There’s also AltSnap, which is pretty quick to use. Just hold down Alt and you can move/resize windows with the mouse, even borderless or fullscreen windows.

Of course, it won’t let you size and position a window to a preset value, but it’s still pretty useful.

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I love the update but I’ve been experiencing an issue when using the animation editor with the new docking system. When reopening the animation editor, it is often positioned floating on the screen instead of the previous position it was in before I closed it previously. In addition, it often freezes and shows an error message and it will then in most cases close roblox studio or freeze until I close the window as shown below:

I have experienced this issue a few times when attempting to place the window in the South-0 location.

I was unable to capture a screenshot of the error message but it would appear for a moment before disappearing and sometimes closing studio or I would sometimes have to close the window manually.

I’m unsure if it is relevant but I use roblox studio on a Windows operating system (Windows 11) on a PC.

However, overall, I am enjoying the new system :slight_smile:


Thanks for the details and screenshot!


Could layouts be saved automatically locally on a userid basis? Because in multiplayer testing, a spoofed userid is used based on the number of players in the test, different for each client and they are consistent across sessions.