Docking Updates [Full Release]

Does this finally mean the viewport docking issue is fixed? Major win

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It should be… so if you’ve been experiencing this issue regularly, please turn on the Beta and give it a go.


Yes, it has been a nuisance for me since the first iterations of the studio design overhaul, I’m so glad it’s no longer an issue. Literally the first thing I did on studio today was turn it on, I’m so glad I no longer have to worry about it when having multiple studio instances open.


I plead to bring the panels, i used them for things i use, but not 100% of the time to take up space, like the asset manager, plugins, terrain editor, console, etc.

This update is honestly really good.
I’ve always wanted to be able to enlarge my viewport without playing with the other docked widgets.
I am not sure if you’re aware of this, but docking widgets together kind of breaks their minimum size limitations. These two plugins are not supposed to be able to resize this much.

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Will there be or is there a way to full window a undocked viewport? Always had issues sizing it to fill my monitor in the past

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Yeah minimum sizes have been really difficult to maintain in a shared layout environment. Often they are used to create a rigid UI. We’d like to encourage devs to consider building more flexible and responsive UI. We are also working on things that should make that easier for them to do.


In the new docking system, I’m unable to place the Output beneath Explorer and Properties if they’re side by side.

Old Docking

New Docking


the freezing issue has happened to me before this update, i haven’t found a repro yet but it appears to be an issue with the curve animation editor (though i use that way more so it could affect the regular one too)

+1 on the vote. They have become essential to my workflow.

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Side docking region can no longer be split into three panels with one larger panel below and two smaller panels above.

In the studio:


This beta version introduces restrictions on the splitting of panels. I hope to be able to arrange the panels as before in future updates.


finally i can undock the viewport again, next time just make it a flag before completely disabling it please :skull:


This still doesn’t fix the issues of floating windows on a 2nd monitor moving slightly up and left each time I start Studio…
Studio windows on 2nd screen saving in different position off edge of screen
I’ve replied to you on my post there as well, but thought I’d link my post so if anyone here was going to report it they could see it’s already been done.

The new docking system feel good but when I try to open a script from the explorer it open in the explorer tab instead of my mains tabs, where the viewport and the others script related tabs are


*Pls ignore the ui I was testing how new ui looks

This is my current docking system I saw it last and tested it but if you see at the borders there docks that you can calopase but on the new one that cannot what makes the viewport a lot smaller

This function with the docks you can calopase id useful for menus you don’t need always

What maybe handful is is if you can make multiple docking pages like you can switch it one can you show the viewport and one for scripting

But I will try this again maybe I find a handful docking

And can there a function to save a docking system so you can make two I can then make one for streaming where I can close plugins I’m working on what not published is yet instead of blur it


As the PLUGINS Tab is part of the Layout, it would be nice if it can either be fixed, or that the PLUGINS TAB can Undock.
With the amount of Plugins installed, and I’m sure others have more, some Plugins seem to be hard to reach (or see).
I am aware that some Plugins take up more space than others.
Maybe this should be a standard size (and forced on all plugin makers).

When I scroll to the right… but clicking the > (on the FIRST view of Plugins), I can’t see the very last plugin …

… and when I go to the 2nd batch of plugins (after clicking the >), there’s no way of telling if it’s missing the last plugin … which should be on left of this image…

But one can easily work out that nothing missing between image 2 and image 3…

Is there a way around this ?
If not, is it possible to make Plugins … as a whole (all in one) … Undockable if desired ?

Thanks in advance.

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Yeah we’ve got a couple of different reports of issues with Animation Editor, specifically. We’ll be digging into it but you may need to float it for now (assuming that fixes it)

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We’ll be addressing this with a couple of different options in the next gen Studio UI. This includes having a Plugins menu and the ability to build your own tabs. But undocking the toolbars is an interesting thought to consider!


I will dance if the era of the needlessly massive toolbox window is about to end.

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It looks like maybe you split the Center region with the Explorer? Can you try dragging Explorer out of Center and into a West region?

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