DockWidgetPluginGui completely disregard 'minWidth', and 'minHeight' parameters

The ‘minWidth’, and ‘minHeight’ parameters for are completely ignored by widgets when resizing.

Here is the script I wrote for testing, and reproducing:

local widget = plugin:CreateDockWidgetPluginGui(
	"WidgetTest", Enum.InitialDockState.Float, true, true, 500, 500, 500 --[[minWidth]], 500 --[[minHeight]] )
widget.Enabled = true

-- Create label.
local label ="TextLabel", widget)
label.Size =,0,1,0)
-- + vec2(2, 24) for close button and widget borders.
label.Text =  tostring(label.AbsoluteSize +, 24))	
label.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
label.BackgroundTransparency = 1
label.TextSize = 24
-- Scale changed?
	-- + vec2(2, 24) for close button and widget borders.
	label.Text = tostring(label.AbsoluteSize +, 24))	

Expected behavior

Users should not be able to resize widgets smaller than the set minimum values.

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This was reported and has already received a response here:

Try to search for any pre-existing bug reports before creating one to avoid repetition.

Oh whoops, looks like there’s a couple of posts about this already.

These parameters should be removed from the function if they’re no longer used.

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I believe they’re working on accounting for the minimum sizes, but I do think the documentation should probably have a warning that the minimum sizes are currently non-functional.

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