Document deprecated properties and methods

The new robloxdev wiki doesn’t list deprecated items at all. The old wiki would at least let you know that these things exist, and that they’re deprecated. I found that CFrame.Position is a thing now (when did this happen?) and now the existence of CFrame.p isn’t on the CFrame page anymore, suggestively because it’s now deprecated. Over a decade of code still uses it and now it’s not documented anymore.


I hope this wasn’t an intentional change. It’s very important to keep things documented even if they’re deprecated, because as the OP states there are countless pieces of highly useful code out there still using deprecated members and functions.

Wasn’t there a “deprecated” toggle on reference pages when the dev hub launched that didn’t do anything? Something like that should be used to hide and show deprecated members. Seems it’s been removed since launch. (Unless it doesn’t display on mobile)

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We completely agree that documenting deprecated members is important (as it helps users understand legacy code).

Documented members are included in the Developer Hub. However, as qqtt explains, there is a bug with the switch that is intended to show them.

This is an issue we are aware of and will be addressed. In the meantime, you can search for deprecated members using the search bar. For example:

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Hi, this is still a problem. @ArchiveChampion hasn’t been active since October last year so this might not be in anyone’s attention anymore. There’s still no way to see deprecated properties, constructors, etc. unless they have their own page and you look for it, and the “Show deprecated” switch (which doesn’t exist on some pages) still doesn’t work.