Documentation for humanoid behavior

There are a lot of things about humanoid behavior that are mystical voodoo that force everyone to write their own characters whenever they want to do something different because humanoids are scary. Humanoids could use a whole ton of documentation about how they behave.

How does the character float so that its legs are not inside of the ground? What sort of force causes this? How can I duplicate this behavior to work in reference frames other than down = -Y?

How fast does the humanoid accelerate and decelerate? It doesn’t just instantly begin moving at its walkspeed and then come to a complete stop.

How does bouncing work? If a humanoid falls from a low enough height, it will not bounce at all.

How does jumping work? How does climbing work? How does shift lock rotation work? How does the humanoid righting itself when it falls over work?


Plenty of raycasting and tuned PID loops, basically.

Humanoid reviewer here.
I think you’re exaggerating the point a bit. A lot of your questions can be answered with observation.
Humanoids don’t run on magic or unicorn farts. I’m not sure where this idea comes from that they follow unspoken rules.

I also don’t see many developers writing their own Humanoids to avoid using them either.

Looking over your questions again and it sounds like you would like more information on Humanoid State Types and their passive effects

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I will make a task to look into this. Humanoids have a lot of nuances and quirks and it would be better to have a compiled collection of these fully described rather than having to try to figure it out on your own.


One of the longest lasting problems I have seen with humanoids is the fact that if they are moved with enough force in any direction that moves them up slightly, towards the end of the respective ‘arc’ the humanoid will fly up into the air, as if jumping.

I still think it’s ridiculous that we can’t disable Humanoid collisions. We have to do really hacky things to make it so players can walk through eachother for R6 (and it currently is impossible to do this with R15).