Documentation / Improved access to web endpoints

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to determine the exact limitations and reasonably approach problems with the web endpoints such as (but not limited to):

My experience Clip It uses these endpoints extensively to support functionality that is not normally offered by Roblox services to experiences.

Examples of this include:

Our issues arise when we try to use these endpoints in a scalable way, especially since we use them at a much higher rate than your typical Roblox experience. These problems are as follows:

  • We have no reliable documentation on the limitations of these APIs, we are left guessing in terms of how we should scale our proxy service adequately to our load.
  • Using proxy services will actively get our requests blocked via 403 errors.

We have made a proactive effort to use avoid calls to these endpoints as much as possible, but even with extensive caching, we are worried about scaling to higher player counts.

I’m not able to offer a direct recommendation or solution for this, but there are a few things that would make our lives easier:

  • Better documentation of these endpoints so we can optimize our proxies based on our active load.
  • A Roblox service that can offer access to these endpoints on a per-CCU scaled basis.
  • A system of having IP addresses whitelisted or granted higher rate limits once your experience reaches a high enough player count. Similar to the how experiences can be granted higher limitations on the AvatarEditorService API.

Thanks, this is great feedback, and I’ve shared it internally with the right teams.

You mentioned using to get user and experience information. Could you share whether the User and Universe resources in Open Cloud have the information you need (or if not, what’s missing)?

I know game passes aren’t on Open Cloud yet; I can’t promise anything specific, but generally speaking, feedback like this is a helpful input into our prioritization process.

(I also know that using Open Cloud doesn’t currently directly address the problems you’re describing, but it’s something that’s on our radar, and we think Open Cloud should probably be part of the solution.)

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Thanks for the quick response!

After looking through the OpenCloud API docs I didn’t see any resources that would suit our use-case quite yet. More specifically, we allow users to fetch their public experiences so they advertise their brand in their clips. We would need a similar method to{creatorId}/ for this effect to be achieved. I didn’t see anything like this documented, but if this does exist I would greatly appreciate being pointed in the right direction!

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Thanks for clarifying. You’re right that that isn’t supported in Open Cloud yet, but I’ll pass the feature request along to the relevant team.