Documentation should specify whether a security label only applies to reads / writes of a property

As a Roblox developer, I would like to see documentation on whether a property’s security restrictions (RobloxScript, LocalUser, Plugin, NotAccessible, etc.) are applied to reads, writes or both of these actions.

Currently, the documentation does not specify this and throws the entire property under the label, see:

As you can see from both these pages (which are just examples, there are likely way more of these cases); if you were to not read the descriptions, you’d be entirely under the impression that you cannot access these properties in any form. Just before this, I was actually going to make a bug-report to say that the descriptions must’ve been wrong because of the security labels saying that you can’t access them… :sweat_smile: I only then realised that, yes, you can read from them; you just can’t write to them.

Some external community-created resources display this info (see here for an example) and it has turned out to be incredibly beneficial for me. On top of this, the yaml file, which is presumably used to generate these pages, includes this info already so there shouldn’t be any extra info required to be entered other than needing to parse this existing info into a visual element of some form.