Documentation states that Humanoid.RootPart is the same as Character.PrimaryPart while it's not true for the R6 rig type

The highlighted statement is not true for the R6 rig type, the Character Model PrimaryPart is set to Head while Humanoid RootPart property is set to HumanoidRootPart.

Humanoid.RootPart property:

Actual Character’s Model PrimaryPart:

Page URL:


Hi @LeikaZ !

Thanks for flagging. Great catch.

I just submitted a change to our docs to flag the difference of PrimaryPart for R6 and R15. This should be out within a day or two.

In the future, you’re also welcome to edit our docs by pressing the Edit button on the top right of any documentation page to navigate to our open source github. This is a little more complex for API docs, but it’s another option if you want to make contributions directly to our docs as well.

Thanks again - hope you have a great rest of your week.


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