Dodging machanic

i need help to improve my dodging script, as everytime i go to a kill brick, it glitches and takes more then one dodges

local humanoid = script.Parent.Humanoid
local dodges = script.Dodges
local cooldown = false
local dodge = script.Dodge
local animater = humanoid:LoadAnimation(dodge)

	if dodges.Value == 0 and not cooldown then
	elseif not cooldown and dodges.Value > 0 then
		local forcefield ="ForceField")
		cooldown = true
		forcefield.Visible = false
		forcefield.Parent = script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart
		humanoid.MaxHealth = 1000020200000000
		humanoid.Health = 1000000000000000
		dodges.Value = dodges.Value - 1
		humanoid.MaxHealth = 1
		cooldown = false
 23:49:13.309   ▶ Dodged (x5)

also for some reason the health glitches and gets stuck at 100020200

Your wait() doesnt have a number, give it a number.
Also wait is decapitated, use task.wait (its wait but better)

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thanks but theres still a problem, i want to make the player stop losing dodges if hes currently dodging, because of the health:healthchange function, is there any other way?

heres a video

How does the dodge work? Is it instant or are you invicible for x time, you dont need to set the health of the player when the forcefield is created.

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Dodges says 0 on the gui, assuming you have more than 1:
Instead of damaging the player, you should create a module script that damages the player. The module script go through checks, in the specific check it checks if the player has any dodges left.
If there is then it removes a dodge. Else it damages the player.

For the killbrick, i assume you use touched event, touched event is a bit laggy and bad so id prefer if you would have a Debounce for it that lastes like a second or 2

oh thats the health, the dodges are actualy 5 but for the last one, for the killbrick, what do you mean debounce?

Debounce is what we like to give our cooldown variable a name, its pretty much the cooldown variable in your script

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oh ok, i will try adding that, brb

i added a debounce

local function PlayerTouched(Part)
	local Parent = Part.Parent
	if game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Parent) and not cooldown then
		cooldown = true
		Parent.Humanoid.Health = 0
		cooldown = false


including some changes to the dodge script

local humanoid = script.Parent.Humanoid
local dodges = script.Dodges
local cooldown = false
local dodge = script.Dodge
local animater = humanoid:LoadAnimation(dodge)

	if dodges.Value == 0 and not cooldown then
	elseif not cooldown and dodges.Value > 0 then
		local forcefield ="ForceField")
		cooldown = true
		forcefield.Visible = false
		forcefield.Parent = script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart
		humanoid.Health = humanoid.MaxHealth
		dodges.Value = dodges.Value - 1
		cooldown = false

but it only made it worse, now instently killing me when ever i touch the kill brick

Brother you didnt add a number to the wait in the killbrick

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my bad : ), i will fix it real quick, in the mean time, is there anyway to make a player invinsable?

Use a loop on all of the players descendants and make the transparency 1, also

The way youre damaging and dodging is a bad way, before damaging, check if the player has enough dodges instead of setting the health to 0

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