I know this might sound stupid but if I wanted to make a flashlight that the player can turn on and off by clicking, can everyone see that or just the user holding it?
Also, if I wanted the flashlight to point where the mouse is pointing, how would I go about that?
Nope that’s not a stupid question, client server architecture can get really complicated and Roblox does some questionable stuff for the sake of convenience for newer users which some people may not know about.
One such example is the BasePart automatic physics replication with constraints and forces and so are prone to exploiters. All the exceptions can be seen in the below article.
And in the exceptions I don’t see lighting so I believe yeah server side replication will be needed as well so remote events.
For the the rest I believe you can research it on your own, I mean there’s already a youtube tutorial on it by AlvinBlox you can check that out.
For moving the flash light though yeah thats a further issue. One way to do it is to move the arm that the flashlight is holding like moving a head and this tutorial helps with that:
Also replication will be needed here as well and there’s a part 2 vid with remote event works.