Does a mesh with many triangles but Box Collision and CanCollide off still lag my game?

I have a Ghibli bush mesh that has a decently large amount of triangles, but the Collision Fidelity is set to box and CanCollide to off, will this still cause performance issues or am I fine?

How much triangles is the mesh itself? Turning off collisions on a mesh usually does net an increase in performance but it depends on how intensive the mesh is.

In-game, it has this many (Provided in the picture), however porting it to blender shows about 18k (probably inaccurate)

Without Wireframe view however, it looks like this

If you plan on using this mesh frequently ingame, I’d highly recommend using blender to decimate the model, as 18k tris is a bit excessive for a simple foliage asset. Ideally you only want foliage models 1-5k tris to prevent the game from slowing down.

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I did try to decimate it, unfortunately it just horribly corrupts the mesh, I’m wondering if I can still use this without the downside of lag (if theres any way to)

Remaking the mesh using the tools in blender is an ideal way to go about fixing this, If you take a sphere and use a displacement modifier you can achieve a similar effect to the model already.

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alright, I appreciate it thank you very much

@ItsNathanity One last question, how do you do those effects with the darker areas on the bush on blender? I’m currently making a lower poly version of it.

You can probably fake it a bit with just a texture, just shade in random spots (preferably spots that are imbedded in) with a darker tone.

alright, thank you


You could use a noise texture and colorramp to achieve a similar effect, but you’d have to bake the texture. I’d reccomend looking up a tutorial for shading and baking textures if you arent sure on how to do it.

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