my game has a feature where you can share your slap battles gloves as codes, so say i made this glove i can share it and i will be given a code to get that glove.
players can customize some text on the glove to their liking, when they share the glove does the texts they typed in need to be filtered?
Yes, Roblox states that in any instance that a player inputted string is displayed in the game it must be filtered thru their system otherwise the game will be suspended until proper filtering is implement
To clarify talis783’s response, it depends on whether if the content can then be seen by other players. If it can only be seen by the local player (the player who typed it), you could optionally filter it (although that may waste resources). If the content can be replicated to other clients (can be seen by other players), then you must filter them to follow Roblox’s guidelines. In this case, you must filter it since the content can be replicated by sharing the code.