Does anybody have an idea on how I would make an advanced movement system?

I’m trying to figure out a good way to write and organize code for the client.

I’ve tried multiple times to create an advanced movement system with modules but I’ve always found myself back to that same dark corner of inorganization and demotivation.

As I add more features to my movement systems, the code gets increasingly more complicated. Keep in mind I’m using module scripts.

I’ve searched time again, everywhere on the developer hub about code organization, but I can’t seem to find anything related to the client. Maybe I’ve missed something. And if I did, forgive me.

Also, I’ve tried to use _G to make my code a bit organized, but other developer forum posts say its unreliable and laggy.

If you guys have any tips on how to organize my modular system or modular systems on the client in general, please let me know. I have considered Knit, but maybe it would be too complex for my system, I’m not sure. I’ve been trying to create an advanced movement system for a good 6 days now.

Also, if this is in the wrong category, please let me know, I’ll change it.

I haven’t built a big project yet (hopefully I will soon) but I feel like you could compress some of those modulescripts into just one

Which module scripts do you think should be compressed? I only have so many because I heard that each module script should only have one responsibility or something.

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There’s a bunch you could compress, I’ll list some of them. It’s gonna get really repetitive because there’s not much else I can really say

CameraBobbing + SmoothShiftlock + TiltCameraController

FootstepSound (& Pitch, Sound, Volume) + FootstepVolumeFootstepSound

InputFunctions + Crouching (& CrouchWalking) + Rolling + Running (& Effects, NoLongerMoving, RunJump) → InputManager

Now you don’t have to use the names out of the outputs for each compression result but uh I think you get the point.

Just basically group anything related to each other together. It shouldn’t really get messy or out of hand that way. And doing this, you probably won’t even need as many folders

Alright thanks, I’ll try this out quickly.

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