Does anyone have any idea what font that may be?

For background context, I am trying to recreate some UI that justAmos on youtube has made. I need some help with what font it is.

Screenshot 2023-02-06 165507

The font that says setting on it.


I cannot remember, but in studio the font selector drop-down for a UI has font preview, now. If you make a textlabel, you can easily check it in studio.

Yes, I know. Even, photoshop has that. But, the problem is every font I choose doesn’t look like that.

Did some experimenting, and the closest thing I could find was the “Gotham SSm” font with the bold property enabled:


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Thank you very much! I have also now found a font like that. I will check and see which one is better. Anyways. Huge thanks to you!

Update : I didn’t have your font on photoshop so I downloaded it and I chose your one over the other one.

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