Hey I’m trying to make a game similar to clone yourself. I thought I had at least part of it figured out but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I can spawn a clone from replicated storage but it only spawns my dev account avatar, but when I spawn the clone from player.Character and variable set to character:Clone() it does spawn the avatar of who ever spawned the clone but it doesn’t have any animation. The only clone that I spawned with successful animation like the idle animation was the clone from replicated storage and the only reason I was able to do so is because I asked a question on the forums and a user told me to copy to local script content to a script and change RunContext to Client. But clones spawned from player.Character though it spawns the right avatar I have no idea how to make the clone have animation. I really need to scripting and don’t even know what to study. And the tutorials and other forums never really hit the nail on the head to I just decided to ask myself.
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I think that you should have a LocalScript that receives the input for cloning yourself, then having a RemoteEvent that clones the player on the server. I saw that you had an issue with the clones not animating. The way I usually animate NPCs is by creating a server-sided Animate script without the emote code (Example: /e dance1), I will leave a place file with everything you need in it below.
Cloning.rbxl (58.8 KB)