Does anyone have good practices for lobby design?

I’m making a combat game, and the lobby looks like this.

Does anyone have any tips on good lobby design?

What should I put in my lobby?

  • Add plants to the lobby
  • Add a stone with the game’s name on it

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I mean to be honest its just a part. Instead of adding plants, make a whole lobby. You could build a military base area because its a combat game, or an old facility, with a target practice as decoration, and so on.


Add a shop, game name, description, stuff like that. Also, add something for the players to do.

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Not really sorry. I wish I was good. But I am good at constraints like rod and rope and attachments.

Please add a shop, I think that would look good!

depends on what theme you’re going for with the game.

if you’re going for a sword-fighting classic, I suggest adding a lot of stone houses with stones and a lot of plants so it gives a Stone Age vibe.

it all depends on the genre and that’s for you to figure out, try picturing your game in your mind and how you want it to end up and use reference pictures if you can’t think of anything.

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It’s quite depends on what you’re trying to achieve since you’re going for a type of combat game the. Theme is needed when creating something, and everything you do should be under the theme you are currently going for. It sounds like you have an idea of what you want to add to your lobby just adding plants won’t fill a lobby up. I would consider throwing a few buildings or something that matches with the setting.

I would suggest a list of features you want your game to include. Not just that, but things you could try doing differently from other games that follow the exact genre; i would recommend placing items inside the lobby this could be shops to buy different weapons or objects they need. I personally think whatever looks good to you and matches with the game setting your going for.

In terms of actually coming up with these ideas, try to look at a few images. You could also check out other existing combat games and see what they’re doing, then you could gather those ideas and place them into your game.

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