Does anyone have insight on creating UI for plugins?

I have been wanting to make a plugin lately, so I’ve been doing some reading. It seems to me that a lot of people use code to create their plugin interface, rather than building it with the UI editor. Is this the case?
Is it possible to use the UI editor to make plugin UI?

If not, not being able to see your UI until you test it seems like a huge setback for plugin development.


Generating UI with code is a common thing with plugins, but it’s not required. Just create the UI like normal, then move the ScreenGui object into the plugin. Within the plugin, just set the GUI’s parent to game.CoreGui to make it visible to the developer.

local pluginFolder=script.Parent
local UI=pluginFolder:WaitForChild("UI") --reference UI

UI.Parent=game.CoreGui --move UI


If you’d like to put your UI inside of its own panel, you can create a PluginGui and place the contents of the UI inside of that. I have a full tutorial here.