Does anyone how to fix this issue with ghibli water?


I made Ghibli Water for my game, which looks cool and fine.

The issue is when you turn the camera to a certain angle, the Foam (which is a MeshPart) glitches out.

I know that this technique isn’t meant to be used. But still, if one of you made something like this too, encountered the same issue and somehow fixed it, please share the answer.

If you want to know how exactly I made this effect, this tutorial does almost the same thing that I did:


If the tutorial does Almost the same thing Without such glitches, cant you just follow the tutorial?

Logical explanation.

I did follow the tutorial, the glitch still was present.

I already found an answer a couple minutes after I posted this (yes, I am sorry for not posting it here earlier):

The way I fixed it was I took a glass texture from the web, for instance, this:

Uploaded it to roblox. Then, put the Texture on the water’s top, edited the StudsPerTile (both U and V) to 20, edited the color3 to a blue colour, and it was fixed.

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