Does anyone know how i set collision off for npcs?

hello, i wanted to make a leaderboard that creates a character model for the players in the top 3 and i want to set collision off for them so a player cant collide with it.


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I think what you could do is Anchor their HumanoidRootPart and then set every part to be CanCollide Off

is the animation then still working?

Of course! I did this before with Models of players, if you anchor their RootPart only, it will still keep playing the animation

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i can turn CanCollide off cause its a plrModel

if plrM:IsA("Part") or plrM:IsA("MeshPart") then
   plrM.CanCollide = false
Model = game.Players:CreateHumanoidModelFromUserId(id)
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Loop through the model and set every Part in it to be CanCollide false

for _,v in pairs(plrM:GetDescendants()) do
	if not v:IsA("BasePart") and not v:IsA("MeshPart") then continue end
	v.CanCollide = false

i cant do it for the head and some other parts

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That’s odd, it should work since it’s not a player but rather a model, what head were you testing in that gif?

of the player model


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I think in this case you may need to do collision groups.

Here’s a guide roblox did for how they did it for player to player collision, you may need to change it around to make it work for Models and players