Does anyone know how to deal with this shadow glitch?

This sometimes happens in studio too


We need a little more info about how your place is set up.

What Lighting.Technology are you using?
Is the ground a Texture or Decal on a Part?
Is your computer older and having issues with rendering shadows?
Does it happen in all games, or just this one?


It’s future lighting technology, the ground is a texture, this might be the case but I don’t have much issues with performance and yes, it sometimes happen in other games too, for example new Baseplate

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Is there another Part inside your floor(texture) Part? That would be my immediate first guess, it looks like another brick is clipping through the Texture.

Could also be where two floor pieces intersect and the Textures on both floor pieces are fighting each other for primary view. If that’s the case, I’d suggest going into Properties and moving it down or up by 0.001.

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I’ve seen this happen in my places, but I’ve never seen the blackened levels of shadowing in the bottom of the screen kind of pointing to the camera position.
It doesn’t really look like clipping to me.


Oh yeah I retract my post, that’s definitely some shadow work going on, not clipping.


no no no, it’s not the case. How I said this sometimes happens in new Baseplate too, and how you understand, there are no clipping parts

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Maybe there’s a glitch in your version of Studio or Roblox Player.

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling Studio to see if that fixes it?

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This is such a bad glitch, I’m noticing my game are affected now. Especially when I zoom out, the entire texture on the baseplate starts glitching (looks like it’s clipping, but it’s just a singular Baseplate with a Texture as you said).

I hope this thread gets picked up! This is a tad frustrating: for example, look at the gate at the top right, the blue pad at the bottom of the gate is definitely higher than the baseplate, yet the baseplate with a texture is glitching through a completely opaque Part (the blue pad).

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Your issue isn’t the same as the original post though.

  • Are you sure the problem is worse now, or was it there before and you didn’t notice it?
  • You said the blue pad is “definitely higher,” but how much higher is the top surface of the blue pad compared to the baseplate?

As mentioned before, try raising your parts .005 studs above the Textured baseplate.

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It’s most definitely the same glitch, I only took a screenshot of that because it was difficult to get a screenshot of the shadow glitch.

The blue pad is at least a stud or two taller than the Baseplate, it is very much raised so objects cannot go through the gate.

Though, the glitch was showing more near the bottom of the screenshot, the texture on the yellow baseplate was flashing shadows at the bottom.