Does anyone know how to get the top inbound trade id?

Does anyone know how to get the top inbound trade id?

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Send an HTTP GET Request to:

Once you’ve decoded the JSON, the first trade id should be:[1].id

For any more information and concerns, you can refer to the API endpoint documentation here


Thank you but do you know how I would use it in a script and login with a cookie?

If you have the cookie, send an HTTP POST request to, using RequestAsync and setting the Set-Cookie header to your .ROBLOSECURITY cookie. This will give you a X-CSRF-TOKEN which you’ll need

Then, send a HTTP GET request to your trades API, with your headers: Set-Cookie being the . ROBLOSECURITY cookie and X-CSRF-TOKEN as the x-csrf-token obtained from the logout API

Note: You need to use a proxy server to send HTTP requests to roblox domain in roblox. You can change the domain in the original Api endpoints’ url,, to


And how do send a HTTP GET Request and do the other stuff :neutral_face: