Does anyone know how to make a GUI pet shop that have equip and unquip and data save?

does anyone know how to make a pet shop that have equip and unquip and data save?

i just know basic scripting


So, your asking us to help you on making a pet shop that you can select and deselect pets that save? Google. Developer Forum Search Bar. Use them, they’re helpful.

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I have seen this vid but I just wanna make a gui

you want to know how to make a GUI? A shop GUI? Google. Again.

I know what is gui shop I made one but idk how to make the equip button thing

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you could store the bought pets in a folder which you’ll use for DataStore (I actually recommend DataStore2 module instead) and for the pets, you could have a bool value, code example:

local button = script.Parent
local boolvalue = pet.BoolValue

    boolvalue = not boolvalue

and when the boolvalue is equal to false, the pets are equipped, when you have it set to true, the pets are unequipped, it would also help you if you were to watch some tutorials recommended by @ScytheSlayin up above
if there is another, better solution, please let me know, also… this is just my opinion on how I would do it

Alr I will try it if I need help I will ask u guys

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Here is an gui script, that is not tested and very simple:

local gui = script.Parent.Parent.PetFrame
local button = gui.TextButton

    script.Parent.Parent.PetFrame.TextButton.Text = "Unequipped"

-- pet code comes here


    script.Parent.Parent.PetFrame.TextButton.Text = "Equipped"

In that video it shows, the first YouTube video I linked, watch it.

he Just gave me a model he didn’t explain

i tried to figure it out but i of lots of things not understand so i make all the pets to free
here is the game contact me if u want to help me

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