Does anyone know how to make a mute button

does anyone know how to make a mute button if you used a playlist from this vid >ROBLOX Scripting Tutorial - How to make a (looped) Music Playlist!! (MODEL IS HERE!) - YouTube because that vid didnt have the part where you could add a mute button and i need a script for it

this is the serverscript that i used for the soundplaylist from the video


Have you tried searching on how to make a music playlist and stuff like that on the devforums?
If you havent (which you should) I think this tutorial might help you.


is there the same tutorial liek that but doesnt have the feature where you can skip the song or see what the song title is


You dont have to follow the entire tutorial. You can just add that mute feature without adding those other features.


Suggestion, post some code, nobody knows how your script works so they will likely not be able to help. Don’t assume everyone will watch the tutorial video that you followed.

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this was the script i used from the video tutorial

i tried looking for a similar tutorial with this same script but with a mute button feature
but i couldnt find one

keep in mind that i didnt add sounds to a folder

Just make the button set all the music to have a volume of 0 for the client. I’;m guessing by button you mean a GuiButton?

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im talking about a GUI button to mute but i couldnt find any scripts for it

Is that a localscript or a script? If its on the server, you may have a problem muting it for a specific client.

Add a localscript inside that button and do this

local button = script.Parent

local musicFolder = workspace.SoundPlaylist

local mute = false

	for i,v in pairs(musicFolder:GetChildren()) do
		if not v:IsA("Sound") then continue end
		if mute then
			v.Volume = 0.5 --Or whatever the original volume is
			v.Volume = 0
	mute = not mute

This code will loop through all the sounds in the folder and sets them to hae a volume of 0.5 or 0 depending on the mute variable, and then at the end, inverts the variable so if it was false, it becomes true and vice versa


that script for those sounds isnt a localscript

Try the script I made out and see if it’ll work

Do you have your own music system or do you add music using commands?

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He has his own that plays 2 music tracks, his code for how it plays is up above

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local Button = -- Define button
local Music = -- Define music
local Music2 = -- Define other music

local function muteMusic(actionName, inputState, inputObj)
		if Music.Volume == 0 then
			Music.Volume = 0.5
		 Music.Volume = 0
    elseif Music2.Volume == 0 then
         Music2.Volume = 0.5
        Music2.Volume = 0


-- This should probably work I guess, update it if you want it to work a different way
-- If this doesn't work, just use this part and just replace the sound id once the music ended

local Button = -- Define button
local Music = -- Define music

local function muteMusic(actionName, inputState, inputObj)
		if Music.Volume == 0 then
			Music.Volume = 0.5
		 Music.Volume = 0
         if Music.Ended then
          Music.SoundId = "" -- Paste the sound id


That would kinda be more work than it should, it’s better to disable all the music when the button is pressed rather than disable only one, like how I did

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Though you’re right, the other method I sent below would work like that, they just have to change the soundid from the current script.

Again, it’s kinda avoiding the simplest way to go about it which is to set all the of musics’ volumes to 0 when wanting to mute and 0.5 when wanting to unmute

what if the sounds i added arent in a folder

I would do something like… making a localscript and putting in startergui. Adding a screengui to startergui and textbutton inside the screengui then add this code to the local script.

local TextButton = script.Parent.ScreenGui.TextButton


if not mute then
mute = true
mute = false

for _,music in ipairs(game.SoundService:GetChildren())

if mute then

if music.Playing then
music.Volume = 0

if not mute then

if music Volume == 0 then
music.Volume = (something greater then 0)


I’m sorry it’s so disorganized, I’m on my phone.

This script requires all the songs to be placed in game.SoundService