Does anyone know my GUIs on mobile are super blurry?

From the Custom UI on the left to the default roblox jump button, they all look pixelated. The other buttons are fine so I’m really confused why those are blurred.


This is actually just a common issue with Roblox mobile i believe, hopefully its fixed soon!

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im also experiencing this on my ipad 9th gen 64gb

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I believe, this has something to do with some type of asset streaming for images for ROBLOX. Devices usually have less storage so it would make sense if the images are lower quality.

Still seems to be an issue. It’s been going on for around 1-2 months now.

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Ye happens on my new ipad even tried reinstalling roblox still doesnt work why roblox did this to us???

Probably just a bug that hasn’t been reported yet.

I reported this to roblox bug support 16 days ago. Just waiting on feedback. It seemed to go away for me 4 days ago but its back again.

Still happening to me on my new ipad but not my older ones

I’ve actually encountered this a few times. I think its a bug.

I think its fixed now try some games

That’s something Apple should take care of. Roblox can’t really reduce too much data on a old and slow phone left given by a kid’s grandma. I know how slow it is cause I’m the kid :unamused:

yeah seems to be fixed for me too

Can u put this article as the solution?

It’s still happening for me and has been for multiple days now. It had been happening for the past month, but it had stopped for a while. Then about 3 days ago it started again; rendering texture and images in a very low quality. I dont know how to fix it. [I have figured out how to fix it and the answer is in my reply]

I’ve looked around and found out my Roblox App was taking up almost 10GB of storage.

All you have to do to fix it is go into you’re phones settings, go to app settings, find the Roblox App, and clear cache.

Doing that fixed the texture problem for me. I’d advise you to check your app every now and again to make sure its file size doesn’t get to large and cause the bug again.

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