Does anyone know why a 'singleton' or 'already exists' error is occurring?

So, i hop on studio after a day of not being on and i get this really weird error?

I don’t know what it means, but I think it has something to do with the module scripts I created using the EzVisuals Module ???

Here’s one of the scripts I am using:

local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ezVisuals = require(rs:WaitForChild("EasyVisuals"))

local part = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("CollisionBox"):WaitForChild("PvpTeleporter")
local part2 = part:WaitForChild("TextPart"):WaitForChild("Attachment"):WaitForChild("BillboardGui")
local text = part2:WaitForChild("Text")

local textAnimNew =, "DeathStroke", 0.3, 1)

Thank you so much for trying to help! Stay safe y’all.

None of your usage looks incorrect & I’m not having any issues on my end.

Are you using it anywhere else?

Probably could be an internal error or contact the module owner?


Yeah like 2 more places ig?

local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ezVisuals = require(rs:WaitForChild("EasyVisuals"))

local uiObject = script.Parent
local InventoryTitle = script.Parent.TitleAndExitFrame

--local frameNew2 =, "IceStroke", 0.5, 3, false, Color3.fromRGB(179, 213, 255))

local TitleColornew =, "Ghost", 0.7, 2)
local GradientColornew =, "Shine", 0.5, 4)
--local GradientColornew2 =, "Ghost", 0.7, 2)
local GradientColornew2 =, "Shine", 0.7, 2)

local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ezVisuals = require(rs:WaitForChild("EasyVisuals"))

local uiObject = script.Parent.TitleAndExitFrame
local InventoryTitle = uiObject.title

local Gradientnew =, "Ghost", 0.8)

local TitleColornew =, "Silver", 0.2)

Requested model experienced an error while loading generally signifies that there’s an issue with the module you’re using rather than the script you’re using it from. I’ve never used ezVisuals myself and looking at the scripts over textpad I don’t see where the singleton error is being thrown from, but I thought I’d give that to help others who might be able to help (it can also very easily mean you’re not calling something correctly, but it doesn’t look like that’s the case)

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This only occurs with ezVisuals? If you disable it, the errors go?

Never once seen that singleton error…

Also: How are you installing it? Wally with Packages or just from Roblox toolbox?

I don’t know. This is so weird, I only have your modulescript and I know that the other modulescripts are not causing the problem because it wasn’t there before. When i disable all of the Ui script, the error still exists. When i disable the ezVisuals modulescripts, it is still there???

this is all i got

Infinite yield possible on 'ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("EasyVisuals")'

Well that’s expected because it cannot find the module once you remove it (if you are removing it).

Comment out all your use of EzVisuals + remove the module and see if the errors persist, especially those ‘singleton’ errors.

The errors still persist, probably meaning that it isn’t from your modulescript. However, i tried disabling the other ModuleScripts, but the errors are still there. Weird…?

Going to assume this is a Roblox bug, perhaps just try reinstalling Roblox Studio.

I’m also having this issue

Reinstalling Roblox Studio did nothing, and the error still pops up on both client and server side. It’s also messing with my scripts somehow, making events run more than once.

I don’t even have the same set up as OP.


I managed to get rid of the error by getting rid of a plugin called “Surface Converter” by “Useless_Dolphin”.

Someone reckons it’s some code from the plugin that makes the error, so double check all of your plugins.


I have a similar plugin called “Resurface” but it doesnt do anything when i disable it.?

Tysm, it was one of my plugins called “Sound Library 1.1” by @CavaleiroDev .


I’ve also gotten this problem recently. Really random…

I’ve disabled and un-installed all my plugins but nothing seems to work, anyone got any other solutions??

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check module scripts in your game or reinstall roblox studio

Check your entire game for suspicious code and assets because the plugin might’ve done something to your game.

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@Useless_Dolphin, this might be a new API change. You should take a look.

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I haven’t updated the plugin in a few years but it should not be injecting or editing anything into your games except for setting waypoints in changehistoryservice, I’ll take a look into the plugin and see what’s wrong asap.


The singleton error should be fixed now. I updated the plugin. Please private message me for any additional bugs or issues.

It was caused by

local Studio = game:GetService(“Studio”)

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