I want to make 2 “npcs” that pop up different gui, and they both have different proximity prompts.
these are the 2 npcs, one of them pop up different gui
my problem is that when i trigger the proximity prompt, it pops up both of the gui instead of one of them
this is the script
These are the scripts, the first one is a server script in the yellow hair npc proximity prompt, the second one is a server script, inside of the pink hair npc proximity prompt, the third one is the client script for the first server script which is supposed to open the first background, and the fourth one is a client script for the second server script which is supposed to open the background2 below
i want to open bacground1 for the yellow hair npc and i want to open backgound2 for the pink hair npc, but each time i trigger either of the npc proximity parts both of the background gui open, when i dont want that to happen. this my explanation may not be very good so please correct me if i need to explain more but how can i fix this problem?