Does CanCollide off help with fixing up lag?

I’ve heard around from a few buds of mine that if there is ever any bricks that are for more decoration purposes and not playable purposes, it’s best to make them CanCollide off since by doing so; it stops the Physics engine (which is used to block the player from entering the brick) which helps with lag, is this true?


It could have a positive impact. However, the scale of that impact I’m not sure of. Personally, I would still turn collisions off for parts you don’t need to explicitly collide.


It’ll definitely help with the performance but only if the region that the part is in is interactive.


I would watch the video @mircostaff linked. It already supplies the answer to the question, which isn’t this.


I worded my post wrong, as it was what is said in the video, because I’ve read on a previous post by someone asking for optimisation tips that CanCollide false will help in interactive regions. Thanks for clearing it up for me.


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CanColide Doesn’t fix lag, but it does use a little ammount of lag.

Yea, that’s why making it disabled for useless parts can help fix lag.