Does Datastore put requests to a Queue or do they get processed at the same time?

I am intending on making a unique ascending ordered ID system for servers(I do know that they aldready posses a uid but the way i want it makes it easier for me to work with).

I wish to know if Datastores put requests into a queue or if they get proccessed at the same time? Since this is going to be a Universe Wide thing i am wondering 2 different servers try to get into the same index.

If they get put into a queue then there shouldn’t be a problem but if that is not the case i am going to have to look for another way like generating the number through serverId or using GUID(which is worse for my case).

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I’m pretty sure that DataStore requests do get placed into a queue (but I’m not entirely sure), hence this warning when you try to save too much at once:
DataStore request was added to queue. If queue fills, further requests will be dropped. Key: (key)

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