Does doing this affect performance?

Heya, I’m working on a modified plugin that uses a bunch of hexagons for a game that uses a bunch of hexagons.

So, recently I was suggested to change up some stuff for how the fill-in for the plugin would act. As they said it would boost performance.

Here is how the original plugin would act normally:

But with some changing around, this is how it would look now:

The bottom basically resizes the hexagons to extend to the smallest point of contact based on its neighboring hexes, instead of extending further than it should.

Now, I was skeptical about this change cause I have no idea if this small change would actually affect, or even boost performance. Their reasoning was that Roblox wouldn’t need to render long faces of the mesh, as most of the faces wouldn’t be seen anyway.

In my opinion, that wouldn’t make sense since they would still have the same vertices and whatnot when resized.

But hey, I’m no builder so eh…

There are two things you need to keep in mind, triangle counts and draw calls. Roblox does not supports occlusion culling so covering up your parts would not matters what so ever. Overall, the changes you made really just a different look to the aesthetics and the only thing that’s up for debate. I hope this helps, best of luck!

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The idea of getting the bottom faces out of the model is interesting, but I generally would make it an optional choice more than overall forced option to have ones with holes or the one without.

For example the map could have floating lands that people see from the bottom view and the upper.

It’s generally a small count of triangles and 73% of users on the platform are mobile.

Honestly it is smart to make holes under the map but the looks will just end up questionable if someone sees them.

Also, I think that idea was done in Roblox DevRel Awards 2023 Game with the holes on the bottom.

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