Does everyone get low fps on roblox mobile?

I seem to have very low fps and have fps drops on roblox mobile. Does everyone get this? I have a decent phone with 4 gb ram and at least 20 gb free space. Even on graphics level 1 its slow.


What’s your phone model, and how long have you had it for?

I have a newer iPhone model and I tend to have an FPS of 55-60 and ping between 40-70.

Try playing in an empty baseplate; perhaps the FPS drops are caused by an excessive number of parts in a game.


Roblox doesn’t has a good mobile optimization.
But they’re making it better in the newer updates.

Depending on your cpu, it’s totally normal get low fps with that ammount of ram (sadly)
Try using Virtual-RAM (if your phone supports it, some don’t) that can help you get a little of more fps

(If your phone doesn’t support Virtual-RAM, you can root your phone to use it, but I DON’T recommend to root it)

Mind testing out my game on mobile? Even once I load in on minimum graphics settings it’s quite laggy. It will drop frames every 2-3 seconds. And besides that I have probably 20-25 frames until the big drops.

Like this really bothers me, I’m making this game primarily to appeal too the mobile audience. Works 100% fine on my PC with constant 60fps

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I tried this game on a laptop and got some decent frame drops when I turned in the direction of the castles and explosions
I have experience with mobile and I can confirm that a small device like that isn’t gonna get very good frame rates, but the game is pretty laggy regardless

It depends on your cellular/WiFi connection and the model of the phone. I’ve noticed older models tend not to work very well with Roblox (especially games with a lot of scripts and parts). Which is expected.

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I barely have anything on this map yet. There is 1 large effect in the distance playing and then some small ones off too the side. It runs smooth as heck on my PC, would it be the terrain? I’m using the wavy grass that has the mesh that moves the grass. All the trees are meshes.

The frame rate didn’t drop at all while playing your game, yet I noticed that my ping was stuck between 70-90 milliseconds; that’s a little higher than usual.

It’s not a super high performance laptop, but it would explain the low performance

On mobile?

I can’t control ping though that’s based on the server.

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Yep, that’s on mobile, and it seems to be running smoothly on PC as well.

Have you tried uninstalling the Roblox app? The app takes up cellular storage the more it’s used; removing and reinstalling it will likely rid your device from bloat data (excess data that is not required for the app to function).

Virtual ram will not increase fps, it might even decrease it if Roblox end up getting executed in the virtual ram.

Virtual ram will just allow more app to stay in memory and avoid crashes if the ram is full, but remember, internal storage is slower than ram.

But yeah if it is too slow he should enable it, might allow background apps to run in virtual ram.

What I mean with it, it’s to the other apps be on Virtual-RAM while playing Roblox, so there gonna be more RAM to execute Roblox.

I use a 4gb phone and yeah I lag too, it depends if the game you’re playing is optimized.

Anyway here’s some tips:

  • Try to close background apps,
  • make sure you’re playing with a decent amount of battery (yeah low battery cause lag)
  • update your phone
  • make sure to play with a good connection (high latency cause lag)

And if your game has a built-in game booster, give it a try.

The virtual ram is more like an emergency ram, if the ram is full some stuff will run on virtual ram.

That’s not totally how virtual ram works.

It’s true that when ram is full, some stuff gets on virtual ram, but that’s just one of the things.

In some phones, if they have the virtual ram option (or depending on what root system you used on the phone), you can also choose what apps are to work on virtual ram so you can use more ram on more important apps.

In computers, virtual ram works also to storage things when ram is full and also the less important system apps gonna run on virtual ram (like for example, notepad, paint, and that apps), but I’m not sure if on computer you can decide the apps on virtual RAM, but on pc, virtual ram works excelent, my computer has 8 GBs of RAM, and I can play games that require 24GBs of ram at max fps.

Oh, just to tell…
My phone don’t allow me to choose what apps to run in virtual, so it works like i said for me…

I’m using MIUI if you want to know and it works like that, one of my friends have an oppo with virtual ram enabled and i don’t think he can customize it.

But I believe you dw, but yeah on low end phones virtual ram can increase performance but they can decrease performance too.

I enabled it and I’m still laggy so idk if it’s going to change anything for him

I guess you have a really fast storage.

Uh, I’m not sure what’s the meaning of fast storage now a days…

I know my storage speed is 1GB/s, but I don’t know if that’s fast or not

That’s fast yeah, but basically it’s not a good idea to write and delete to rewrite again on a disk.

Also here’s what I wanted to tell you, but Humm with better explanation cus I’m bad at this