Does Face-count matter?

It is my understanding that Tri-count matters when making meshes in blender, however, does Roblox take Face-count into consideration as well?

Currently exporting studio models into Blender to reduce tri-count/part-count to increase performance levels. Wondering what’s the best option to reduce these counts when exporting studio-made models into Blender.

  • Does Face-count have a huge impact?
  • What’s a recommended amount of faces?
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I don’t think so, faces are still just planes consisting of triangles.

You could theoretically use face count for measuring performance as usually the more faces you have, the more triangles there are since faces are made out of triangles. However, this isn’t always the case. I recommend just sticking with measuring performance via triangles.

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Use the triangle count, as it gives a more accurate measurement. Faces can have a range of triangle counts. Roblox doesn’t “take Face-count into consideration”, more faces means there is more triangles in those faces, and that means that there is more for roblox’s rendering engine to render, making performance worse.

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Non triangulated faces will be converted to such by default. Games and any 3D software for that matter use triangles to render any sort of geometry so counting quads is pointless, stick to Tris/triangles.

MeshParts have something called instancing and LoD. Instancing basically saves you graphics memory by rendering the same meshes (applies to Part & CSG Part as well) all in one draw call instead of rendering them separately. LoD (Level of Detail) will render meshes that are further away from the camera at a lower “resolution” or triangle count as these objects do not need the same level of detail as objects that are closer to the player.

NOTE: In order to apply for LoD make sure that MeshPart.RenderFidelity is set to Automatic.
For instancing keep in mind that the following parameters: MeshId, TextureId, Material & Transparency will prevent your mesh from instancing. You can still tweak these but just know that they will no longer be instanced with the other objects.

And to answer your question about performance:

There’s no real limit to the amount of triangles you can use before the player starts experiencing some type of lag. It all depends on how good or fast the player’s machine is, whether you optimized your game with all of the above, did you use textures on the mesh and at what resolution,…

Overall using meshes for your game is good if you need complex geometry that would otherwise require a handfull of parts or unions. Reusing anything (it being a mesh, part or union) is efficient and will better optimize your game for slower machines (with keeping the exceptions for instancing in mind).

Good luck.


(In edit mode) you could: Highlight the entire model by pressing ‘A’. Then press Alt + M, then select ‘By Distance’ to delete unnecessary verts. You could also use Decimate modifier for poly reduction.

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