Does GetPartBoundsInBox count as a region3 hitbox?

Since GetPartBoundsInBox basically checks for parts in a created region3 “box”? does that make it considered a region3 hitbox? or do people mean something else when they say a region3 hitbox?

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Region3 is a outdated thing similar to getpartsboundsinbox but just use getpartboundsinbox as it has a blacklist/whitelist unlike region3 and it’s not likely to be deprecated any time soon


Ah, is it more precise/more accurate than using region3 or whatever?

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Not really more accurate but i think it’s more performant and there’s not a real reason to use it anymore since it’s outdated and getpartboundsinbox has a blacklist so don’t use it


Yeah, I dont need super accurate detection it’s mainly for a touch soccer game and obviously .touched is not good for hit detection so I just used boundsInBox instead

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