Does GUI frames, which have Visible == false, lags players?

I’m making game. And I need know - does pre-maded invicible GUIs may lag player, for example, if I have 1000 visible == false GUI frames?

What? Please elaborate what you mean.

Setting their property visible to false can have a very marginal impact on performance, so marginal that it doesn’t matter but may make a difference if there is thousands of them. From what I last remember, it would take ~45k invisible frames to start to lag noticeably.

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The only thing is the player would have to load all 1,000 UI objects whenever the server loads up, but that shouldn’t be a problem as they already often load thousands of instances with most games to begin with. Overall I highly doubt there will be any noticeable lag because of this.

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If you have any images in your UI they will get loaded, once you open the UI for the first time. Once you close the UI again they don’t get unloaded. (Same thing counts for normal UI elements, you can actually see images loading in sometimes.) So yes it does take up some RAM but not much, you won’t even notice it.

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