Does how a game is scripted make mobile phones overheat?

Not exactly sure where I can ask this question, but performance is heavily involved in how a game is scripted/built so I hope this is ok to ask here. So what I noticed is whenever I test my game on mobile with my phone it heats up pretty quick and gets pretty hot. Does this happen to everyone and is there a way I can reduce mobile devices from overheating so much? I used an iPhone X which is still pretty new so I can only assume older mobile devices would do worse. I’m surprised by this because I’ve heard much of the roblox playerbase is from mobile and I can’t imagine playing for too long on such a hot phone.

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mine works extremely smooth on roblox, what game did you play :joy:?

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You should try to reduce the lines of code as much as possible. Use functions as well. Also, try to have as little script as can. You can cut it down to one local script and one server script.


Any 3D-rendered game will make a phone – especially one as thin as an iPhone – increase in temperature. I would assume smartphones have temperature throttling to avoid being “overheated” so what you are experiencing is not dangerous.


It was my own game that isnt even done yet and there wasn’t even any other players. Also the X has several version, the one i have is the first version that they no longer manufacture so that might have something to do with it. I’m gonna go test it on some other games rn and see.

the game I was at: Clover City - Roblox

I went to brookhaven for like 7mins and it also got pretty hot… I guess its just my phone. thanks

you might want to get your phone checked or update that version :thinking:
I get pretty high frames on that game, doesn’t get hot at all

yeah might be smart before this thing explodes in my face. :boom:
now looking things up it does seem like other people have iphone X overheating problems.

iPhones are infamous for heating issues, get it done quickly Lol. Its interesting despite their cost, my dad’s XS Max gets hot more and faster than my Samsung galaxy S20FE (samsung gives me 100 fps in jailbreak at max graphics). Again remember its a phone, the heat dissipation is pretty small and it will still be hotter than your pc.

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what is the point of this?
you copy and pasted code many times

I was using an 11 pro max, not the X
my bad
probably explains why my phone wasn’t overheating like yours

Sorry I think there was an error and I replied to the wrong post. It was a draft for another post but I think there was a bug on devforum. It’s really bad at storing drafts. The draft had an erro from devforum.