Does ID Verification save you from the new 'Enforcement Ban'?

I’m running at risk of my account possibly getting falsely terminated from the Enforcement Bans based off of both my brother and sister’s actions, as well as an older sister who played Roblox over 15+ years ago, my account is ID verified and I do not know if that’s enough in order to save my account if one of my siblings were to get themselves banned.

I do not know how to prevent my account from appearing as an ‘alt account’ under Roblox’s guidelines, despite me sharing a different email, phone number, and identification card.

Any kind of helpful information would be very appreciated, as I have been working on the platform for 8 years and I’d hate for progress to go down the drain because of something as simple as my siblings breaking the rules, something that I would not be apart of.


the enforcement bans are based on various datapoints on the account, which aren’t technically disclosed - but its known that it could be based on the IP addresses you have accessed the account from, cookies connecting any accounts you have logged into on the same browser, and the email address or phone number you signed up with. unsure whether ID verification affects it.

if you haven’t used the same device as your family, chances are you’ll be fine. if they have used the same device, though, you should delete your cookies on both your browser and Roblox app

Enforcement bans are based off the following but not limited to:

  • Login IP Addresses (can be used)
  • Account email addresses
  • Account phone numbers
  • Birthday date (not directly used to ban but sometimes checked when appealing if so)
  • Cookies (Roblox checks your browser cookies and cookies within your device)

ID Verification shouldn’t make you immune to enforcement bans.

As long as you are the only one which uses your device and your account, you should be OK.

For browser cookies, there is a built-in option within all browsers to delete cookies, for Roblox cookies/similar locally stored on your device, they tend to be in %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp, windows credentials manager, %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Roblox\LocalStorage and %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\rbxcsettings.rbx

Somewhat similar file locations for local cookies/similar


There’s also folders within %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Roblox that only contain UserId’s, you can delete those. Such folders are created if you enter Roblox Studio with any account.

As-well, anytime you open roblox studio, information regarding which accounts you use will be stored in registry via HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Roblox\RobloxStudio

For me, i’ve created a windows batch file script that launches before roblox or roblox studio does which when ran, erases all local cookies and such if a y/n prompt is given.

And what about android? I have logged into my sister’s tablet

If your sister has signed into her roblox account on her tablet and you sign in as-well using her tablet then your account could be linked which means enforcement bans could occur if she was to get banned.

Browser cookies/Locally stored Cookies.