Does it matter if a particle emitter is created/activated on the Server or on the Clients?

I need to have a particle emitter, which is visible for everyone.
From performance point of view is it ok if I place the particle emitter on the server and activate it in a server script or I must send a remote to the clients and let them handle it in local scripts?
I guess the particles themselves will not be simulated on the server even if I put it there?


You can activate it from the server to make it visible to everyone, if u do it on a local script it will only activate for that person, you dont need remotes.

From what I know of you out a ParticleEmitter in the Workspace and put a Script I’m ServerScriptService it should work without problem

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Also no, it wont impact performance and you shouldn’t worry about performance with such things, most impact have meshes and unoptimized scripts.

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