Does kicking a player stop their fireserver requests in queue?

I’m working on improving remote event secruity in my game and I have a question regarding this.

If there is a exploiter who is just coo coo and crazy and they decide to fire a remote a billion times in a second like so:
for i = 1, math.huge do RemoteEvent:FireServer() end

On the OnServerEvent connection on the server, if I kick them on the 100th call will the other calls drop or will the rest of the billion calls still be called in.

Also wanted to see if doing this was valid as someone else did this.

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local RemoteCooldown = {}


Inside remote:

if RemoteCooldown[Player.UserId] ~= nil then
	if (tick() - RemoteCooldown[Player.UserId][1]) < 1 then
		RemoteCooldown[Player.UserId][1] = tick()
		RemoteCooldown[Player.UserId][2] += 1
		if RemoteCooldown[Player.UserId][2] >= 2 then
		RemoteCooldown[Player.UserId][1] = tick()
		RemoteCooldown[Player.UserId][2] = 1
	RemoteCooldown[Player.UserId] = {tick(), 1}

	RemoteCooldown[Player.UserId] = nil

Valid :+1:

I believe Roblox does this automatically in this fix with a rate limiter in this one fix.

However for certain computational intensive events as mentioned below, then a custom rate limiter would be a good idea.