Does privating/archiving/removing games from your Roblox profile remove the number of Place Visits on your profile from that game?

Does privating/archiving/removing games from your Roblox profile remove the number of Place Visits on your profile from that game?

Let’s say you have a game on your profile with 100,000 visits, and you private/archive/remove it from your profile. Does this affect the number of Place Visits you have on your profile, subtracting the visits from the game you privated/archived/removed? Also, I’m pretty sure that if you only remove a game from your Roblox profile (so it doesn’t show up when you go on the creations tab of your profile), it doesn’t subtract the number of visits it has from your Place Visits on your profile.

I’m curious about this and want some help with it.


I believe so, as long as it’s inactive/not playable the visits won’t show. I could be wrong though.

Ok, thank you for the reply! :slight_smile:

Yes, this does happen, I can clarify that. Tried it myself

yes it does, I had a game with like 100 visits and when I did one of these, it was removed

Alright. Thank you for the information! :slight_smile:

Ok, I see. Thanks for the information.

Answer: Roblox does remove (subtract) the Place Visits from your profile ONLY if you private/archive it. If you just remove a game from your Roblox profile, it does not remove the Place Visits from your profile.

A Roblox game has to be playable for the total Place Visits of it to show up on your profile.

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