Im so confused on marketplace service right now, I want to be able to log all product purchases on a single dictionairy. Can a devproduct and gamepass have the same ID? How do I let roblox know that a gamepass purchase has failed?
Does it only fire for dev products?
Yes. They are meant only for developer products.
As stated here: (When comparing assets to gamepasses):
" * This method should not be used for passes since they use a separate ID system. Legacy passes that still depend on an asset ID should use UserOwnsGamePassAsync() instead of this method." These means that they should never share with a developer product in their own system, as well as they work on a different ID systems,
Gamepasses use UserOwnsGamePassAsync
Developer products use ProcessReceipt
Yes. However check if they own it (for gamepasses). Because this can be fired if the user clicks the cancel button too. There is a wasPurchased Argument roblox gives, so you can use that to verify if they got it
Lets say the user already owns a gameapss and due to design flaws they were prompted the gamepass purchase again, would they be able to buy it?
Gamepasses are a one time deal, and can be bought off the front page of games. They will be prompted with a “you already own this” Prompt, unless they remove it from their inventory. If you want Users to Only be prompted when they don’t own the gamepass. Consider checking with UserOwnsGamePassAsync before prompting it. (Check if its false)
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