In my new railway game I want to have audio that occasionally plays at stations, which says:-
“Please be aware that smoking is strictly prohibited on the railway network, and on-board trains. Thank you.”
Would Roblox allow this audio for my game? I want the game’s age rating to be as low as possible so it’s ok if I don’t, but I’m just curious if I can do this.
considering this would be a cautionary or informational statement, I believe this would be all ages if not 9+. It isn’t depicting the use of cigarettes or vapes rather it is simply referencing it. I can’t seem to find anything in the experience guidelines so it would be best to contact the moderation team about it.
If you’d want to keep the game child friendly and have an all ages rating, then you could replace “smoking” with something else, such as jumping or hot dog eating tournaments.
‘Drug, tobacco, vaping, or other smoking paraphernalia’
Is banned on the 17+ community guidelines, so I believe that ROBLOX, knowing their moderation, probably won’t take a liking to it. For that reason, I am choosing to cut this sound effect from the game.