Does Roblox Automatically Moderate chat?

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I want to know if Roblox moderates the chat. Example: If someone said a curse word or some kind of number, will it be blurred? Or do I have to write script for it?

  2. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    Yes I have and found an article for it. Text and Chat Filtering It doesn’t say whether or not Roblox moderates the chat.

Happy Holidays :santa:,

Also tell me if it’s in wrong category

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For what you wrote I think you’re trying to make a custom chat, are you?


No, I was just wondering if Roblox automatically moderates the chat. I don’t want my game to get taken down because of an unfiltered chat.

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the default chat is moderated by default, as the scripts that power it include text filtering, else you have to filter the text.


No, roblox does not moderate, you can put forbidden words in a textlabel, and it’ll be visible in Game, if you talk about the chat, it’s scripted to moderate.


Like they take out cuss words and numbers?

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they do, I mean, you played roblox right? If the game you played haves default chat yours will have the same.