Does Roblox automatically support Xbox? (as of 2023)

Sorry if this is the wrong category.

I heard that Roblox supports VR automatically, but I wasn’t sure if there was anything I had to script in my experience for it to support Xbox.
I’ve received mixed messages from the topics that exist, so I created this topic for the most up-to-date information on Xbox support.
Also, can I use a virtual Xbox controller to test my game in Studio?

If a topic related to this does exist, please let me know and I’ll close this topic.


Roblox has built-in controls and UI navigation for Xbox users, but whether or not an Xbox player will be able to efficiently play your game depends on how your game works


Read this

Game Settings | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub (look under Basic info > Playable Devices, this is where you will enable Xbox once you’re ready)

And this

These are the basic things to keep in mind, the second link is more on the side of what @HugeCoolboy2007 was saying. Most of the work is done for you when it comes to Xbox-compatibility, such as UI navigation, but you’ll have to make sure your game’s system is compatible with Xbox to comply with Roblox’s policy.

If you run into any Xbox-related issues, you may need to use the DevForum to debug them.


Also, as a word of advice, if you’ve already gone very far with this game, it will take a lot of hard work to make scripts(made only for desktops and mobile) controller-compatible. You’d have to go into every script with that issue—scripts in some tools and custom chassis based on input keys—and take controller buttons into account. So my advice is not to hold off too long if you’re seriously considering making your game Xbox compatible.

If your game is in the very early stage, it will take less work overall, as you’re not retrofitting old scripts.


Do you know if Console users will be able to play this game?

I think most of it would be compatible on Xbox, but I’m not sure if I need console controller scripts or if I have to change the GUI. I’m pretty sure the Proximity Prompts should be fine.


Wow, I really like your game, it’s got a classy and modern vibe to it. And tbh I was thinking it was a different kind of game. I don’t see vehicles or hoverboards or complicated gears, so you’re probably not gonna have to worry to much on this particular game.

Your ProximityPrompts are set to the X key for Xbox automatically, but keep in mind you can change this if you want by going into to the prox’s properties.

But yeah, looks good to me


Thank you so much! I really appreciate the feedback. Is there any way that I can get someone to test it? I don’t have an Xbox, but I could hire an Xbox tester.


Even with cars and hoverboards, you only have to worry if you’re not using Roblox’s default VehicleSeat Input system (Throttle and Steer properties of the seat)


Yeah you may have a friend with Xbox, or you can look for an Xbox tester on the Roblox Talent Program or such. I have an Xbox but haven’t hooked it up in a year, but many of my friends do, so maybe yours too might

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Thank you! The only thing I really planned on adding was an automatic transportation system, so I probably won’t have to worry about vehicles. But if I make a vehicle based game in the future, I’ll make sure to use this advice. Thank you again!


You’re welcome! When you get to that point with vehicles in the future I’ll be here to help.


I do Xbox QA, mostly for self-published games on the microsoft store but feel free to contact me if you’d want me to test your game (you have messages disabled)

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