Inside of a Dynamic Head head bundle, there can be a MoodAnimation as well as EyebrowAccessories and EyelashAccessories.
What’s interesting to me is that when I set a HumanoidDescription.Head property to be the dynamic head, eyebrow accessories are added automatically. I don’t need to add this to the accessory blob on my end, because it’s already done. I’m going to assume this is also the same for EyelashAccessory even though I can’t find a head to test it with.
Is this also the same for the MoodAnimation? Do I need to directly set the MoodAnimation or is it done for me?
I was not expecting this behavior, although it is convenient from a development standpoint.
Does anybody else know any more about this behavior and if it’s documented anywhere? Am I safe to be able to set a .Head property directly and have it handle everything else in the bundle for me automatically?