Does storing a large amount of parts in ReplicatedStorage cause lag?

For a bit of context on why I’m asking this, me and my friend are making a game, and it will require a lot of parts, not because it’s so complex or something, but because of how it MUST be made.

So we immediately went to ways to optimize it, like destroying parts when they won’t be needed etc, eventually we came across not having these parts/buildings/whatever loaded until then, but making an entire building part by part with a script, isn’t a good idea considering what we’re doing.

We then thought of storing what we need in ReplicatedStorage until it’s needed, but we are unsure if storing a large number of parts in ReplicatedStorage will still cause lag.

(I put this in scripting support because it seemed to involve scripting more then building)


From my experience I haven’t seen a noticeable increase in lag in games where ReplicatedStorage stores thousands of grouped parts. Though I’m sure it depends. I don’t think it would cause lag in the tradition sense as parts would not be rendered within the place but it might spike client memory. I hope this helps!

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