Does the HumanoidRootPart's size, position, and orientation matter when rigging?

Would anything be affected if I were to create the HumanoidRootPart like this:

As opposed to doing it like this:

(The red box is a HumanoidRootPart visual)

Does it even matter? Does the HumanoidRootPart need to be centered?
I tried searching the forums before posting, but nobody seems to have touched on this.
Sorry if this is a dumb question but this is my first time rigging a custom character!

I don’t think it does, and you’re all good.
We all have questions that we’re confused about some times. Its normal!

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Size doesn’t matter, but Position and Orientation does. The HRP should always face the same way as your character, otherwise it will move inverted using a Humanoid. Instead, the animating process will get harder. The Position also matters because, well, pretty much the reasons above. Animating will be harder, and due to the nature of badly coded Humanoids, the character will “flop”.


If it’s going to be CanCollide, yes, this is a bit unusual and will most likely mess up collisions. If it isn’t, no, go ahead. Shape it however you want.

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