Does the Roblox Capture The Flag template have scripts?

So I’m planning on making a feild game called “Sticks” I got this idea from a camp that I went to. Sticks is a game where the goal is to get all your sticks to your side, if someone tags you like in CTF (Capture The Flag), instead of walking to your side, you be freezed and you have to wait for someone on your team to untag you by going under their legs. Sticks also is played in a smaller area, like a school gym for example.

My Issue that im having is that im wondering if the CTF template already has scripts, or if its just an example map. I haven’t looked in Roblox Studio as I am busy doing yard work. While I was in town and had 10 minutes to kill, I went onto YouTube and tried to find anything related to that, but its just gameplay and nothing showing that theres already scripts. Does anyone know if the CTF template has scripts?

I can tell ya, it definitely has scripts

Theres a round system, a flag script, i think, and many more

It could be easy to edit

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Do you know if theres one that makes the player frozen if they get tagged by the opposite team? Then a unfreezing script?

No, not that I know of
I think the players just kill you in the game, then you respawn

Okay, so then im going to have to figure out how to code it does what I want it to.

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an idea would be to replace the killing part of the script with some sort of anchor, and write another script to unanchor when ur teammate touches u

What would the two scripts look like?

I havn’t actually looked at the template’s scripts, but just replace the “player.Head:Destroy()” or whatever the script used to kill the player (for example, “player.Torso:Destroy()” or some sort of “player.Health = 0” or something, replace it with “player.Torso.isAnchored = true” (I think its called “isAnchored”)
for the second script, basically reference the first script and change it so instead of the enemy players touching the player, its the friendly players touching the player, then change the “player.Torso.isAnchored = true” to “player.Torso.isAnchored = false”

How would I go about doing that?

I am not exactly sure, but if you know a bit of programming you should be able to use logic to figure out what does what and change it to what u want. I might as well make it lol

Like make the whole game? Or just the scripts?

the script ofcourse : P
why would I go about making an entire game lol

Would you do it for free? If you did it for a price, whats your rate?

nah it shouldn’t be that hard ill do it for free

Have they removed the template? because it no longer appears in “all templates” (at least for me)